wtorek, 7 kwietnia 2015

Yes ma'am!

I'm catching up with Oscar movies, so far I like best American Sniper. I was really interested by the story, so I watched a few interviews and read a few articles to find out sth more about the Navy who got two Silver Stars in Iraq. Here, there's one: 10 questions for TIME Magazine. Everything that Chris says, fits to my image of him created by the movie. The image of the man living two separate lifes, the man who strugle to not let people forget about soldiers who fight out there, who doesn't regret any of the kills. I must truly say that Bradley did a great job. His 'Yes ma'am!' sounds just like Chris's.

2 komentarze:

  1. I totally agree, I like this movie very much. But if you think that's the best movie of this year's oscar nominations, it means that you haven't seen neither "Whiplash" nor "Birdman"! ;)

  2. Great post! Thx. Also watched the movie and I was impressed. But, Aga is right...BIRDMAN! :)
