niedziela, 20 stycznia 2013

A near miss

I just can't wait to February.. Firstly it's because I'm nearly sick about all my exams I'm cramming for. Secondly, apart from my examination-sickness, I can't wait to celebrate carnival with my friends. It's going to be a real bal masqué and I'm sure it will be incredible. It became our little tradition - last year we were organising the ball too, but then.. it was quite stressing for me..

Last year I was responsible for organising the party. Of course, I was really stressed but I managed to take care about every single detail. Well.. at least.. I was thinking so.. I took care about dancing hall, about catering and music. I planned every inch of my distinguish costume - I bought a mask (overpaid but gorgeous), I had watched many tutorials and I learnt to make a lovely braided updo, I even bought a pair of dance shoes. Everything was perfectly set in my detailed plan. But I forgot about one, quite important thing. A few hours before the ball I realised that I had forgotten about my dress. Beautiful, emerald green dress I bought a few months ago. It was too loose in waist and I was supposed to give it to my mum's friend to fit it. I was an urgent task because the dress was looking baggy on me. I started to panic. Thetime was short and I had no idea how to solve my problem.The safety pins were ineffective and my sewing skills were insufficient. Then I noticed that my mum had disappeared. My dress was missing too. But I didn't appreciate what my mother can do. After.. I don't know.. about twenty minutes she returned with the dress. It was fitting perfectly.. I asked her what had she done, but she didn't want to tell me. She is rather an overbearing personality so I gave up questioning her. I went for the ball and we were dancing up to the next day morning. It was fun but when I realise that was a near miss it gives me shivers.. This year my dress was the first thing I took care about ;)

Well.. I should get down to work now.. I don't want Febrary holidays to become a near miss too ;p

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